How This Comedian Became the Leading Expert on Hard Seltzers - Episode 2
The Spirit Guides

How This Comedian Became the Leading Expert on Hard Seltzers - Episode 2

How did a comedy writer go from one video on White Claw to becoming the leading expert on hard seltzers, racking up millions of fans, a merch line, and a podcast? We hear Loryn Powell’s story in this episode of The Spirit Guides… 

From Seltzer Fan to “Seltzpert”

It may have started as a pandemic lockdown experiment to pass the time, but Loryn Powell turned a love of hard seltzers into a fully-fledged business with merch, regular videos, and a dedicated fan community. 

The hard seltzer market has boomed over the past few years and tons more options are available. So when Loryn discovered her love for a good cold White Claw, she started making fun videos reviewing different flavors.

Her background in screenwriting, comedy, and producing videos for brands became the perfect cocktail for launching her own career as a “seltzpert”. She’s since expanded into podcasting after launching a parenting and relationships podcast with her husband, Sean. 

In this episode of The Spirit Guides, we hear Loryn’s backstory, from making videos for brands to doing her own thing, why she found her niche in hard seltzers, and how far things have come since that very first White Claw video. Since her seltzpert career took off, Loryn has become a mom and talks about how that’s changed things for her business. She also discusses the importance of being vulnerable in your content as well as the concerns of audience perception that all content creators face at one point or another.

In This Episode

    • How Loryn discovered her passion for hard seltzers
    • How a background in comedy prepared her for her new career
    • The backstory around that first White Claw video
    • Why Loryn found her niche in hard seltzers
    • The moment when Loryn realized this was more than a hobby
    • Why authentic, unscripted content performs well
    • Balancing a content schedule with a new baby
    • The importance of being more vulnerable and real with your content
    • Dealing with the fear of audience reactions and trolls
    • The most challenging part of Loryn’s career
    • Describing what you do to friends and family
    • Loryn’s thoughts on the future of brand deals

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